How to reduce blood cholesterol level naturally (Home Remedies)

2017-05-30 23

Almost 73.5 million American adults have the higher level of LDL cholesterol. But do you know what cholesterol is? How to reduce cholesterol level naturally? How to reduce LDL cholesterol naturally fast? How to reduce cholesterol without medication naturally?

What is cholesterol? Cholesterol is a substance which is found in the cells. It is also presents in some foods. It helps the body to digest the food. Cholesterol travels in small packets of lipoprotein. It has two types one is HDL (High-density lipoprotein) and second is LDL (lower Density Lipoprotein). HDL is a good kind of cholesterol but LDL is not good. The increased level of LDL will make the bad impact on you.

Medication is considered good but it also has many negative effects as well as good. Therefore natural remedies are preferred as compared to medications. Natural remedies will allow you to reduce cholesterol levels naturally. Some of the natural ingredients are helpful for reducing the LDL cholesterol level. Some of those ingredients are as follows:

Garlic: it will help you out for reducing the LDL cholesterol level.

Ginger: it has many health benefits such as Nausea, pain, lack of appetite.

Lemon: it is a helpful natural thing which contains Vitamins A, B, C and Vitamin B12 as well.

Apple Cider: it is very beneficial for us. It helps in lowering blood pressure, weight loss, improving diabetes.

Honey: it is best for preventing heart diseases and cancer.

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