Tiger mauls zookeeper to death at zoo in England

2017-05-30 8

HUNTINGDON, ENGLAND — A tiger killed a zookeeper on Monday in an incident the zoo described as a “freak accident”.

Zookeeper Rosa King, 33, was mauled to death by one of the Hamerton Zoo Park’s four tigers when the big cat somehow got into a part of an enclosure where she was working, local newspaper Cambridge News reported.

Witnesses said staff at the zoo near Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire tried to distract the beast by throwing meat into the enclosure and shouting. But it didn’t work.

Families visiting the zoo said they feared there was a tiger on the loose and so they ran for their lives. The zoo said the tiger did not escape from the tiger enclosure at any time.

The zoo said King’s death was a “freak accident” and it was investigating how the tiger managed to get into the same part of the enclosure as her at the same time.

Relatives of the zookeeper said she loved tigers and her death was a tragedy, according to the Sun.