VANQUISH highlights 29/30/2017 MAY - EPIC BATTLE

2017-05-30 4

Moar series is original Daily Motion Series that promotes GAMEPLAY from Diverse game Choice in PC platform, " Rampant Monkey Gaming [JP/蔓 申] in it's essence Moar Series is actually a fan service that demanded the attention of their favorite variety games. We just don't play one game, if there's opportunity to stream it We play everything.

Staff Credits

Director - Ron.W.Richards ロナルド リチャード ( Gamer/Producer)
Community Manager/Personal Assistant- Yukii Masatoshi
Marketing Management - itao Nakamura
Marketing Relations - Akio Ohno
Community Moderator - Damm Reserve/Altontoday [Australian]
Sponsors/Promoter - Akhibara PC store.