Golfer Catches Unlucky Break, Sends Club Spinning Into Lake

2017-05-29 13

Trevor Sheahan was golfing with two friends in Esker Hills Golf Club in Tullamore, Ireland, when a member of their group got into a spot of bother midway through their game on Sunday, May 28.

The ball had landed at the edge of the lake, and as it was still visible, the player fancied his chances at getting out of the difficult position. He took off his shoes, rolled up his trousers and teed up his shot in an effort to save his game. However, it didn’t go to plan.

He took a wild swing at the ball, missed it completely and sent the golf club tailspinning into the middle of the lake.

“The plan was to play it like a bunker shot, and hit about an inch behind the ball – that didn’t work out so well, club bounced off the water and hooked over my left shoulder into the middle of the lake,” he wrote on the video’s YouTube description. Credit: YouTube/Trevor Sheahan via Storyful

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