“He managed to do it with the Saudis and the Israelis.” But in Europe, he said, “he does take us for granted.”

2017-05-28 4

“He managed to do it with the Saudis and the Israelis.” But in Europe, he said, “he does take us for granted.”
In a statement at the NATO headquarters in Brussels, President Trump said
that members of the alliance must "finally contribute" their fair share to defense spending and that it was “not fair to the people and taxpayers of the United States.”
Brian McKeon, a senior policy official in the Pentagon during the Obama administration,
said: “The in-your-face thing at the NATO headquarters was pretty undiplomatic.
Trump Ends Trip Where He Started: At Odds With Allies and Grilled on Russia -
TAORMINA, Sicily — President Trump declined to endorse the Paris climate accords on Saturday, ending his first foreign trip much as he began it: at odds with several of the nation’s allies
and under a cloud of questions back home about his ties to Russia.
“There’s a situation where it’s six — if you count the European Union, seven — against one.”
President Emmanuel Macron of France said he had told Mr. Trump it was “indispensable for the reputation of the United States and for the Americans themselves
that the Americans remain committed” to the climate agreement.
In a recent letter to Mr. Trump from 10 state attorneys general, West Virginia’s attorney general, Patrick Morrisey, wrote, “Withdrawing from the Paris Agreement is an important
and necessary step toward reversing the harmful energy policies and unlawful overreach of the Obama era.”
On trade, Mr. Trump pushed his demand that any agreements negotiated by the United States must be fair.