Timeline Shows Manchester Bomber’s Family’s Deep Ties to Libya
Salman Abedi, who killed 22 people and wounded 116 more when he blew himself up outside an Ariana
Grande concert in Manchester on Monday, was born in Britain to a family with deep ties to Libya.
May 12, 2016: Abdul Wahab Hafidah — a friend of Salman
and a close friend of his younger brother — is run over and then stabbed to death in Manchester, in what the police called a gang-involved killing.
His father, Ramadan, had fled Libya in 1991 after supporting Islamists seeking
to overthrow Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, and the family sought asylum in Britain.
May 11, 2016: Salman’s friend Abdal Raouf Abdallah, 23, of Manchester, is convicted in Britain of a terrorism-related charge.
April 16, 2017: Hashem travels from Britain to Libya, according to the Special Deterrence Forces, a Libyan militia group.