Their Government in Chaos, Brazilians Fear the Joke Is on Them

2017-05-28 1

Their Government in Chaos, Brazilians Fear the Joke Is on Them
An entire subgenre of Brazilian memes involves depictions of Mr. Temer as a modern-day Bela Lugosi — because the president is known for his formal demeanor, his penchant for dark suits
and is sometimes likened by his political adversaries to a "butler in a horror movie." Reacting to the explosion in memes, Mr. Temer’s government moved this week to stop Brazilians from using official photos of the president — which are found on government websites — for such purposes.
In what may have been a stab at a joke, Antonio Delfim Netto, 89, a former finance minister
and one of Brazil’s most prominent economists, said, "God has given up on Brazil," upending the sunny proverb — "God is Brazilian" — that remained in wide use here until recently.
RIO DE JANEIRO — Cartoonish depictions of Brazil’s president are so popular
that his office is trying to restrict access to his pictures — so they don’t get turned into lampoons on social media.
Everton said that The time has come for a clown to be at the helm of Brazil,
Some Brazilians joke that a bold outsider — like Tite, the coach turning around
the fortunes of Brazil’s national soccer team — should run the country instead.