The Prophet Abraham (pbuh) and the Prophet Lot (pbuh) - introduction

2017-05-27 54

Throughout history God has called people to the true path through the prophets He has sent them.

The aim of all these holy individuals has been one and the same:

To call people to believe in God and to serve only Him!

Prophets relayed the Divine religion to humanity and demonstrated how to live the ideal life. Thus, these chosen servants of God represent the very finest model of superior characteristics, proper moral values, and ideal behavior and reactions to events.

Two of these holy individuals are Prophet Abraham and Prophet Lot (peace be upon them)!

In the Qur’an God says this of these two prophets:


You have an excellent example

 in Abraham and those with him.

(Qur’an, 60:4)


We gave right judgment and knowledge to Lot,

and rescued him from the city

 that committed disgusting acts.

They were evil tribe who were deviators.

We admitted him into Our mercy.

He was one of the believers.

(Qur’an, 21:74-75)
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