15+40 - Obatala + Ninawa Pai Da Mata - Brasilien, die Gitarre und ein schönes Lied - Obatala ObaTali

2017-05-27 7

This is a production of Obatalá and Ninawa Pai Da Mata.
Here I present in this film a new manufacturing of sound processing, which can only be heard through headphones. The effect is not so good in loudspeakers. The basis is a shift around 00,00,010 milliseconds of one of the two monotracks. This makes the recording clearer. As you can move left or right, two songs were created. The song of Ninawa Pai Da Mata is the same in both songs. The vocals of Obatalá and his choir are different.
Original title.
15+40 - 17.08.2015 - Obatala + Ninawa Pai Da Mata - Mamae Giboia (Yemowó)
Screenwriter and film production of Obatala.
This song is in Menschelloride, an extinct language since 1945.
Dear friends.
This film is dedicated to Zuzanna. In the film we see Ninawa Pai Da Mata. Mamae Jiboia, called Candomblé Yemowó, can be seen in the middle.
Please use headphones, since in this film a sound effect developed by me was used, which can only be heard through headphones correctly.
Always yours, Obatalá.