Trump Team Knew Flynn Was Under Investigation Before He Came to White House -
WASHINGTON — Michael T. Flynn told President Trump’s transition team weeks before the inauguration
that he was under federal investigation for secretly working as a paid lobbyist for Turkey during the campaign, according to two people familiar with the case.
Despite this warning, which came about a month after the Justice Department notified
Mr. Flynn of the inquiry, Mr. Trump made Mr. Flynn his national security adviser.
The op-ed in The Hill raised suspicions that Mr. Flynn was working as a foreign agent,
and in a letter dated Nov. 30, the Justice Department notified Mr. Flynn that it was scrutinizing his lobbying work.
Days later, after an article in The Daily Caller revealed
that the Flynn Intel Group had a contract with Inovo, a Trump campaign lawyer held a conference call with members of the Flynn Intel Group, according to one person with knowledge of the call.