19 Killed in suicide attack after Ariana Grande concert in U.K.

2017-05-23 24

At least 19 people were killed in a blast at a concert in the English city of Manchester yesterday where US singer Ariana Grande had been performing and two US officials said a suicide bomber was suspected in the explosion.

British police said the incident, in which at least 50 people were injured, was being treated as a terrorist incident. Police carried out a controlled explosion on a suspect device several hours after the blast.

Police said they responded to reports of an explosion shortly after 10.35pm (5.35am Malaysian time) at the arena, which has a capacity for 21,000 people, and where the US singer had been performing to an audience that included many children.

If confirmed as a terrorism incident, it would be the deadliest attack in Britain by militants since four British Muslims killed 52 people in suicide bombings on London's transport system in July 2005.