Occurred on April 29, 2017 / Saint Petersburg, Florida, USA
Info from Licensor: "It started with a wrong address pick up due to Lyfts locater option. I call and get directions and find the destination to have a young woman put in the car. We get going and about a half mile away from her destination which was not a valid address, she ripped the headrest part of my seat cover off and proceeded to blow her nose. I looked in the mirror and saw her doing this and proceeded to start the camera. From there you can see and hear how belligerent she was. I stopped as close to the GPS route as possible. There happened to be a save a lot that employs an armed guard. He was helpful just in presence and can be heard in the video. The police show up after she had run off. Lyft refused to release info on passenger to the cop on scene. The boyfriend eventually showed up and told the cop who she was. They arrested Stephanie young on 5/3/2017 for simple battery. Since then Lyft has had no involvement to my knowledge."