Paul Washer sees Jesus in the Clouds? youtube testimony wiki

2008-06-01 4 [Keywords for this video: paul washer project shocking message jam sermons beat calvinism french cross holiness calvin gospel complilation german you are loved calvinist god's man catholic hell romanian humanism wife pro he saved me raising the bar holiness of God in romania kirk cameron repentance i am under obligation romania love isn't it enough listen interview 1 judgement loved rapture message narrow way mark of the beast on dating marriage man matthew 7 missions repentance youth faith love God love hope virtuous woman godliness vs. on joel osteen prayer total depravity the cross tongues true gospel en español revival false deautsch prophet way master jesus christ god gospel youtube ministries video biography shocking dating preacher why decisionism preaching espansermon shocking you message secret sermonaudio wiki 2 examine yourself rap] Washer implies the Apostles are “tight-spirited theologians”. He says, “You need a heavenly vision. And these tight-spirited theologians that say that visions don’t exist anymore – that might explain why their preaching is so boring.” Compare Washer to the “tight-spirited” Apostle Paul. The Apostle says that the Hebrews asked for visions (signs), but that God ONLY USES PREACHING – not visions or signs. "For since in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom did not know God, God was pleased through the foolishness of preaching to save the ones believing. And since Jews ask for a SIGN, and Greeks seek wisdom, we, ON THE OTHER HAND, PREACH Christ crucified (truly an offense to Jews, and foolishness to Greeks)" People wanting visions and signs will be offended by the Gospel. It provides no signs and wonders, but only propositions. No wonder Washer is offended by the idea that visions don't exist. He's just like the Hebrews -- seeking signs and wonders. "Tight-spirited", therefore, are those who deny Washer his addiction to heavenly visions. Secondly... Washer says, "If you're a ...