Brasilia Protesters Wave Flags, Chant In Latest Anti-Government Rally

2017-05-19 1

Huge crowds took to the streets of Brasilia on May 18, to demand the resignation of President Michel Temer, who is embroiled in an ongoing corruption scandal.

On Wednesday, Brazil’s Globo newspaper reported that two businessmen had sent prosecutors secret recordings connecting Temer with an ongoing graft probe that has linked illegal payments made by a state-owned oil company to several politicians. In the recordings, Temer allegedly approved bribes to buy the silence of former lower house Speaker Eduardo Cunha in the investigation.

The accusations against Temer have sparked a new wave of protests across the country. Temer denied the accusations and refused to resign at a national address on Thursday afternoon.

This video shows marchers moving through Brasilia’s Praca dos Tres Poderes, which is home to Brazil’s congress, supreme sourt and president’s office.

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