2017-05-18 64

This is a short video I took whilst under a section 3 at GEORGE WARD at NORTHCROFT HOSPITAL in BIRMINGHAM ...
I sent it to my google drive account & email to ensure I kept a copy & also to my beautiful solicitor ...
It shows the door of the room I slept in whilst under the section 3 at the mental unit ...
The noises you can here are most important as they are not what they seem ...
To most people it would appear that the crashes/bangs & breathing type noises are that of any hospital & there is some sort of commotion in the corridor outside ...
I can assure you that this is not the case ...
If someone was to run this through a spectrum analyser they would see that the noises were recorded & played on a loop through from what I can only assume was a device fitted into the wall or ceiling above the door ...
These noises were also mimicked by some of the other patients in the mental unit ...
I also discovered that the device would only play the noises if the door was closed & I was inside
But then again I'm a paranoid schizophrenic ...
Clifton also makes an appearance,I presume he was a HCA (Health Care Assistant)
(PS - I had to drop the file rate of the video to upload it on here today)