Science suggests that facial hair — from scruffy day-old stubble to full Grizzly Adams — is imbued with social messages,

2017-05-18 0

Science suggests that facial hair — from scruffy day-old stubble to full Grizzly Adams — is imbued with social messages,
and can play a significant role in a man’s love life.
Overall, the women said the sexiest men were those sporting heavy stubble, followed by short stubble.
It’s not just women who prefer bearded alpha males — men also prefer men with facial hair.
But Dr. Dixson, who sports a full beard, says research has also found
that facial hair is associated with some antisocial traits, such as aggression and social dominance.
Dr. Dixson and colleagues asked 1,577 men and women from Brazil and the Czech Republic about facial hair.
The images, which had been manipulated by the research team to show the same men more or less bearded, showed the men with clean shaven faces, light stubble (five days of growth) heavy stubble (10 days of growth)
and a thick beard representing about one month of growth.