Your 4th house of home & family is still very strong this month. So continue to focus on home life. With your health planet the Sun in your 4th house until the 21st emotional wellness is a health issue. Good health these days means good emotional health. If there are health problems (and health is more delicate until the 21st) check your family relationships and restore harmony as quickly as possible.
A strong 4th house is excellent for those of you undergoing psychological therapy. There will be much progress and insights occurring this month. Old memories (love, family & financial ones) are going to arise spontaneously. Sometimes through dreams sometimes when you’re awake.
Suddenly for an apparent reason an old event comes to mind- and often with the same emotions as when the event comes to mind and often with the same emotions as when the event occurred. It is good to look at these things impersonally. If you cannot be impersonal if they over whelm you – it might be good to discuss it with friend or counselor. The important thing is to stay in the present as you observe and analyze. The emotion will soon dissipate and you will feel free.
On the 21st the Sun enters your 5th house of fun and creativity and you begin another kind of your yearly personal pleasure peak. All kinds of opportunity for fun activities will come to you. Often solution to problems come when you let things go.
Your financial planet in the 5th house from the 4th onward shows that you will have the wherewithal to enjoy yourself. You will earn money or find financial opportunity as you are having fun.
Speculations are more favorable this month too though you should only speculate under intuition never blindly. Pisceans are very creative people, thus this aspect shows that your personal creative is more marketable now. Good Financial ideas and sometimes they inspire a person to earn more.
Health improves dramatically after the 21st. Good emotional health is still important , but it is also important to eat right.
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Please contact me on with your date, time and place of birth.
God Bless
Dolly Manghat