Capricorn June 2017 Astrology Predictions : Ambitions Soar New Heights, Happy Career Opportunities

2017-06-01 7

Health remains good until the 21st, after which it does become delicate. It needs some watching, as your health Planet is spending most of the time out of bounds from the 18th onward, this also indicates that alternative holistic methods will do you much good.

Mercury is also moving very quickly this month so the health needs will also change rapidly. Until the 6th enhance your health by being more in the open or picking up a sport which helps you invigorate in mind body and soul.

Freshness is the key word both in your exercise and diet regime. It is important to maintain a positive constructive mood. Good family relations will also be important was emotional well-being contributes to healthy living.

Love is a major headline in the month ahead up to now it hasn’t been a major focus but this changes from the 4th onward on the 4th Mars moves into your 7th house and on the 21st Mercury and the Sun enter the same house, so you the love and social gets a positive impact. You will find all kinds of rich and successful people. Your ambitions soar to new heights. Both money and honey go hand in hand. You will be receiving happy career opportunities.

The New Moon on the 24th presages a powerful love and social peak. It helps clarify love issues as the month progresses – until the next New Moon next month. Your social magnetism is especially strong from the 1st to the 9th and from 24th onward as the love Planet waxes.

Venus travels with your financial planet from the 2nd to the 4th bringing in financial increase and sudden career opportunities.

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God Bless
Dolly Manghat