American Born Black People R, Amazing ! Why ?..Due 2 Slavery Of Course !!!!!!
Yes, my friends descendants of slaves having dark skin born in America R indeed amazing due 2 slavery. Slavery acted upon a people just like heat & pressure acts upon coal 2 produce diamonds. Diamonds R one of the world's most precious & valued stones so much many will die 4 it. A diamond must be cleansed,polished & cut. In order 2 compete with racists blacks must become 2 or 10 times better so after generations this has become instilled & blacks basically can take over anything they get their hands on. Sports & music but really anything due 2 the oppression of racism. Now all blacks need is 2 be cleansed, cut & polished becoming the perfect examples of humanity that all will wish 2 follow. A people having no specific look able 2 produce ALL the hues of humanity from the very light 2 the darkest. Once U remove that slave mind you'd be shock of how amazing U R ! Many all ready know this thus the envy & jealousy even hate. Trying 2 murder a people the wicked actually made them, BETTER !