Seoul's firefighters expand drone use on regular safety calls

2017-05-14 4

We have become familiar with these contraptions, mostly flown as toys.
But these machines are set to serve a greater purpose than mere entertainment.
Park Se-young shows us how they could play crucial roles in keeping us safe from disasters.
When a fire broke out at an apartment construction site in January, the heat and smoke made it difficult for rescue workers to reach the upper levels.
A drone spotted a person on the rooftop and a rescue helicopter was quickly dispatched.
More recently, a fire at Suraksan Mountain was put out early because a drone delivered the exact starting location and combustion process.
As seen in these examples, drones are able to quickly gather information and transmit reports in complex disaster scenarios.
That's why firefighters in Seoul have been expanding the use of drones to include everyday safety.
Last year, drones were called to the scene of a fire in a residential area to monitor the situation from up high.
And when wild boars were on the loose, drones equipped with thermographic cameras helped determine the level of safety of the surrounding areas.
The Seoul Metropolitan Fire and Disaster Headquarters plans to add to its manual a set of safety measures that were created based on data from drones.
It will also seek to make better use of drones to create a more efficient disaster management system.
Park Se-young, Arirang News.

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