Internal Leaks Are Causing More Problems In The Trump White House

2017-05-12 17

As the White House grapples with the controversy around FBI Director James Comey’s firing, outside observers are pointing to the number of leaks coming out of the administration.

As the White House grapples with the controversy around FBI Director James Comey’s firing, outside observers are pointing to the number of leaks coming out of the administration. 
On May 10, conservative commentator Matt Drudge posted a series of tweets, reports The Guardian.
According to the media outlet, the first one read, “We never got 1 damaging leak out of Obama White House staff in 8 yrs. Under Trump, they appear hourly. BIG DANGER: Small leaks sink ships!!” 
Drudge followed up by writing, “Trump advisers leaking to media are now deliberately sabotaging presidency. Major house cleaning needed for survival," and “Leaks on hour, every hour, will destroy Trump presidency. There's a Trojan horse plotting within the inner circle!” 
In fact, a recent piece in the National Review points out, “What’s new in this White House is not the phenomenon of leaking but the scope and nature of it.” The news outlet claims that Trump’s top advisers have, in the past, used the media to strengthen their own positions within the administration. 
But the consequences of the leaks are real, with a report by The Hill attributing the growing rift between Trump and the FBI and other agencies to these “behind-the-scenes stories.”
As one unnamed insider told the site, “It’s image-making on the inside and people trying to protect themselves. There is a deep streak of paranoia among staff. The communications team s**t the bed on the Comey firing and now the war with the FBI has them all scared and throwing each other under the bus.” 

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