Judges Weigh Trump’s ‘Muslim Ban’ Remarks at Appeals Court Hearing

2017-05-09 1

Judges Weigh Trump’s ‘Muslim Ban’ Remarks at Appeals Court Hearing
at even if the order was neutral on its face, "it has a disparate impact on Muslims." Judge Barbara
Milano Keenan said the order was very broad. that But Judge Pamela A. Harris said th
Some seemed prepared to look behind the face of the revised order to take account of Mr. Trump’s statements,
and several suggested the remarks could doom the order.
Wall, the acting United States solicitor general, said the court should not look behind the revised executive order to assess Mr. Trump’s motives.
Federal District Court wrote that Simply because a decision maker made the statements during a campaign does not wipe them
The two-hour argument, before a 13-judge panel of the federal appeals court in Richmond, Va., was the first appellate
test of Mr. Trump’s revised executive order limiting travel from six predominantly Muslim countries.
WASHINGTON — Skeptical federal judges peppered a government lawyer on Monday with questions about how much weight to give President
Trump’s campaign statements calling for a "Muslim ban" as they assess the constitutionality of his revised travel ban.

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