Violent man throws elderly woman into swimming pool at a party

2017-05-09 5

A video of a woman being humiliated by a man at a party has surfaced online.

Elderly woman tells party host to turn down music disturbing the peace of the neighborhood. Then one man picks her up by her legs and throws her into a swimming pool. In fact that elderly woman has been humiliated after she was thrown into a swimming pool for asking the Disc Jockey (DJ) at a party to turn down the loud music.

In the video below, the woman who was walking her two dogs approached the party goers and asked them to turn down the music. As the unidentified woman approached the group, someone could be heard in the background chanting “throw her in”.
An unidentified man was later seen moving towards the woman, he picked her up by her legs and they both fell to the ground.

He then got up, grabbed the woman and threw her into the swimming pool.
The man also dragged her two dogs on their leashes and tried to throw them in with the woman but the dogs escaped before he could do anything.

According to Mail Online, it is unclear if the woman sustained any injuries during the terrible incident.
Meanwhile, after the man committed the horrible act, the people at the party were seen fleeing the scene.
