Jake Tapper STUNNED at HHS Secretary Tom Price's Claim that $880 Billion in Medicaid Will Benefit Patients

2017-05-07 42

Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Price left CNN's Jake Tapper speechless as he twisted himself into a pretzel trying to explain the absurdity of Trumpcare -- the new GOP 'repeal and replace' effort in the House. The bill has further energized the Democratic opposition to the Republican obsession with repealing former President Obama's signature healthcare bill which has increased the rate of insured Americans by tens of millions since it was signed into law seven years ago. For our coverage of Tom Price's attempt to explain the indefensible law, check out: http://citizenslant.com/tapper-price-medicaid-cuts-benefit/ and http://citizenslant.com/messaging-morality-gop-health-care-bill/ and http://citizenslant.com/house-passes-gop-healthcare-bill-senate/

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