Three VHP supporters were arrested during the day for trying to enforce the bandh in West Bengal's North Dinajpur district. Local VHP leader Bijoy Talukdar said that the number of arrests was six. Goa Minister Dipak Dhavalikar's wife Lata waded into controversy after she asked parents not to send their children to convent schools even as she urged women to desist from aping Western culture. In a fresh turn of events, the prosecution rejected Salman Khan’s driver Ashok Singh’s statement and questioned why he had remained silent for last twelve years and did not testify before. State-run NTPC is looking at bringing its coal import bill to 'zero' in the next five years and will rely on the fossil fuel made available by Coal India and the company's own mines. Ahead of this week's annual Defence Dialogue, China has expressed its readiness to work with India to link its ambitious Maritime Silk Road plans with New Delhi's 'Mausam' project to promote military-to-military relations.