Protesters to Greet Trump on First Visit Home to NYC Since Inauguration

2017-05-04 1

Protesters gathered to greet US President Donald Trump on Thursday, May 4, on his first visit back to New York City since taking office.

Trump was set to attend an event commemorating the 75th anniversary of World War II’s Battle of the Coral Sea at the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum, a retired aircraft carrier on the Hudson River.

The president had planned to make a trip to his longtime home and office at Trump Tower, but his plans changed in the afternoon when the US House of Representatives passed a bill that would repeal Obamacare.

Trump is to meet with Australia Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull before delivering remarks at the museum.

Protesters gathered across the street from the museum with signs and chanting hours before Trump’s scheduled arrival. Protesters also gathered at Trump Tower, though Trump was not set to be there during his visit.