ADNAN OKTAR: We listen to music, and we think it is the people who perform the music. But the power who makes them deliver the performance is the actual artist and He is God. People are simply a means. God is the actual artist. It is God who composes every remarkable musical peace. And it is God who deserves the credit. Because, it is Him who makes matter vibrate. Without vibration, music would not exist. God creates the vibrations in the musical instruments. He creates the wave system that comprises vibrations. He ensures that the vibrations reach the ear. He individually creates the hammer, anvil, stirrup, modiolus and the rest of the system in the ear. He makes the vibrations pass through that system. And then transforms them into an electrical system. The artist sends the electrical currents to the brain. There is someone in the brain who hears this electrical system without ears. That someone listens to and enjoys this electricity. People could have very well felt pain when they heard that sound. It would make them go mad. But God created it in a way that people can enjoy. God is the actual artist. Those who say "I am an artist" are merely the means. There is only one artist, and that is God. It is also true for painting; people say, "A beautiful painting by Picasso." Every stroke of brush is created by God. Colors do not exist outside the brain. So how can a person become an artist? It is pitch black outside the brain. There is no light, no color. First, God bestow the artist's muscles and brain the strength, thus make him stroke his brush on the canvas. Then God creates light on the canvas; but it is not the light as we know it, but a dark light. It is a pitch black light. That light travels the paths that lead to the brain. First, it reaches the eye. Here, it is reversed and then reaches the retina. Then it goes through other processes where it is transformed into chemical energy. It is transformed into electrical energy. It is God who transforms the light into electrical energy. It is God who makes the light reach the retina, who makes it fall on that spot. It is God who reverses it, and then reverses it again. Then He guides that pitch black electricity to another part of the brain. Finally, it arrives before the soul. The eyeless soul perceives the electrical current as light and color. Look, there is no light or color. God brings the light and color before the soul, thus the soul perceives it as light and color. Who is the real artist here? God. But if you asked Picasso, he would say "I am." However, God is the real artist. But Picasso fails to realize this. Or he does but does not admit to it. It is the same for sculpting or poetry. This is true for all art forms. They say, "Lyrics by so-and-so." The lyrics belong to God. They say, "So-and-so has written a lovely poem." It is God who has written that poem. It is God who makes the letters assemble. It is God who also makes those poems sound delightful to the ear.
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