GUESS WHAT I CAN DO! If you said "record the Playstation Portable in HD through HDMI" you guessed right. I got a component to HDMI converter that upscales the signal to 720p. I can now record any component signal in high definition.
If you have ever hooked up the PSP to a TV before, you know that the image does not take up the entire screen. The same is true of running it through this device. I cropped the video to fix this when I rendered it. For some reason, Sony Vegas did not crop the entire video. I do not know why. Whatever. It eventually goes full screen.
Anyway, here is some Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops for the Playstation Portable. I am considering doing a exclusive Let's Play of...basically the entire Metal Gear series. Konami is not a big fan of Let's Players.
Personal twitter: @fsmetal
Website twitter: @deliriumfeed