Sonic Boom Rise of Lyric DLC - The Legend of Sonic Jr - New York City 2027 Part 2

2017-05-03 35

After the U.S. Military and NYPD with the help of Sonic Jr destroyed the jammer in the Stock Exchange in New York, Sonic Jr and Delta Force later assist the U.S. Navy SEALs in boarding a Russian Oscar II to use its ordnance against the Russian Navy. As a result of Team Metal's actions, the Kaos' forces withdraw from the East Coast, and presumably the entire United States.

After the battle of New York, Tails, Amy and Knuckles confronted Kaossandra, who taunted Tails, Amy and Knuckles by proclaiming herself as 'a true dark Portal Master' and planned to rule Earth by herself once she takes care of the Team Sonic, but Tails, Amy and Knuckles refused and told that the plan was foiled and the battle of New York City is over and orders her to surrender. She then engaged them in a battle "they will never forget" when she refused to surrender by Team Sonic and the American Forces, summoning evilized creatures and unleashing dark magic upon Earth.

After defeating one of her 'pets', Bubba Greebs, Tails, Amy and Knuckles tricked Kaossandra into firing her dark magic onto a nearby mirror that was dropped down by Tessa. The magic bounced off the mirror and zapped Kaossandra, pulling her in and trapping her inside. After Kaossandra was trapped inside the mirror, Sonic Jr drops off from the Chinook Helicopter in Central Park to find Veronica Dare only to be found the Recon Helmet in which Dare is nowhere to be found.

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