Katy Perry Offends Fans After Comparing Her Old Black Hair to Obama

2017-05-01 1

Uh oh, Katy Perry didn’t have her audience “roaring” with laughter after her Obama joke where she compared her old black hair to the former President’s, which some have deemed offensive.

Katy appeared on Instagram Live where one commenter apparently mentioned that she missed
her old black hair, which has been replaced with a short blonde cut… Katy said, “Oh really? Do
you miss Barack Obama as well? Oh, ok. Times change. Bye! See you guys later.”

Katy obviously didn’t think that through, because soon enough fans on Twitter started sharing
their outrage…
One TV producer named Paris C says “Wow Katy Perry. The reference to former Pres. Obama was offensive & a poor, tasteless attempt at humor. Your privilege is showing.”
Another user Tweeted, “It’s been a long time since I cringed as hard as I did when I saw that Katy Perry “do you miss Barack Obama” video… But um, they were apparently too outraged to spell Barack correctly.
Katy has definitely offended a few folks, but we’re sure that the remark won’t be too damaging. Soon enough, this will all just feel like a bad “Teenage Dream.”

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