After repeatedly denying it, Val Kilmer has finally confirmed he had cancer. During a reddit Q&A , Val was asked about his ailment point blank… something that have been worrying his face since 2015. And he said he did have a healing of cancer but his tongue is still swollen but healing all the time. He added that he doesn’t sound like his normal self so people may think he’s still under the weather. The term ‘healing of cancer’ isn’t a normal phrase. But it probably stems from his beliefs as a Christian Scientist. That denomination believes that sickness is a mental error and that one can be healed from physical and mental illness through prayer. The sect used to avoid all medical practitioners, but have since changed their stance. Many of the followers will now seek doctors, but largely seek healing through Christian Science specialists. We still don’t know what kind of procedures Val has undergone, but now that he’s talking about it, we can assume the worst is behind. At least, that’s our hope. During his AMA chat, Val shared that people have mistakenly thought his silence about his personal issues meant he was somehow being irresponsible to his health, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.