'Mr. Trump, crack a book!': CNN Pundit Says It's 'Too Late' to Save Trump Presidency after Civil War Comments

2017-05-01 234

CNN political pundit Maria Cardona delivers a stinging rebuke of President Trump in the wake of his 'bizarre' comments regarding Andrew Jackson and the Civil War. Trump has been widely criticized for making more strikingly ignorant comments, this time about one of the most important events in U.S. history. You can listen to his comments here: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5keucl_president-trump-questions-why-the-american-civil-war-couldn-t-have-been-worked-out_news. Also, check out our coverage of the matter and public response here: http://citizenslant.com/internet-shreds-trump-historically-illiterate/

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