The Affirmations List I said I was going to post is in the comments below! Thanks and Enjoy, be sure to write your own guidelines and principles for your life! Namaste Friends :-)
Evolve Your life & Love Yourself!
Instagram: @mattcrux
Snapchat: @mattcrux
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I am a caretaker of my existence always eating healthy organic life nourishing foods that stimulate muscle growth and healing within my body. I wake up at 5am to live with the natural cycle of the Sun and accomplish more progress each day. I attend the Gym multiple times a week to maintain a fit masculine appearance which allows me to have overflowing abundance of cosmic energy. Running is an integral part of my performance and always do it before and after I leave the Gym. I am a flexible limber athlete who spiritually practices daily yoga and stretching with prayer. I am a cleanly person who remembers to shower a few times a week and also shave my face, brush my teeth, and coconut pull daily for a good looking presence and great smelling breath. I remember to go to sleep on time every night with no excuses so that I wake up at 5am every morning energized and ready to create the day for my life’s vision.
I meditate and visualize my goals and vision for the future every morning after yoga to envision a future that I know I’m worth living and attracting. I do not let excuses stop me from this spiritual practice that is so necessary for my existence. I create and use mind maps to retain knowledge so that I can recall useful information easily to promote my thoughts with clarity. I read books every day of my life no matter what to progress my mind and help others with what I’ve learned. I’m constantly reviewing words and learning new ones via my vocab cards that I’ve written so that I become a better speaker and writer. Journaling both in the morning and at night enhances my communication skills and so I highly enjoy these moments each day to reflect on my life. It will allow me to write interesting and mind expanding blog articles that help humanity grow in conscious love. I attend public speaking events to enhance my skills as an effective communicator. This is why I also am learning to speak Spanish on a regular basis. I am Financially strong in my ability to manage a successful budgets and businesses.
I love and respect Gods Given Gaia! That is why I make a concerted effort to pick up after myself and others in my day to day life. Playing my part makes a big difference in cleaning up the garbage that has littered our planet. I remember to use renewable bags when buying groceries and products at stores. I also organize and volunteer at environmental gatherings and cleanups. I publicly speak about atrocities that are currently happening in the world to spread awareness and gain traction in attracting likeminded activists.
I am a very intuitively creative being who practices various arts daily. I love to evolve my guitar, keyboard and gong playing skills and spend at least an hour a day playing. This means I also exercise my vocal chords and sing every day while reading from my vocab wall coming up with great freestyles. I love to paint and draw every day without excuse which allows me to progress my techniques and build a highly successful and sellable portfolio. I focus on making daily YouTube videos and Livestreaming building a huge following. I take care of my website and communicate to my audience effectively through social media marketing and my forums. This means I make at least 3 bead jewelries a day to give and sell to market my brand.
I have healthy connections with humanity and don’t allow negative influences to dictate my behavior in destructive ways. I choose to live with love and not a victim mentality for I am divine and much greater than petty illusions. I’m extremely outgoing and see the opportunities the universe brings me and open my heart to new friendships that are kind, compassionate, uplifting, supportive and honest. I am a natural born leader and communicator bringing massive evolutionary change to the subconscious mind.
• Eccentric Intellectual
• Empathetic
• Emotional
• Adaptable
• Adventurous
• Determined
• Conscientious
• Creative
• Comedic
• Reliable
• Sensual
• Sexual
• Honest
• Respectful
• Healthy
• Live with Conviction
• Be open to new Perspectives
• Don’t take anything personally
• Don’t make assumptions
• Live from the Heart
• Always do my best
• Love Others