Synopsis for Takeshi Watanabe's ninja comedy (nincom) Neko Ninja (Nekonin) from Nikkatsu International Sales (Nikkatsu Corporation/Nikkatsu K.K.): "Kagerota, a rogue ninja, is a wanted man as his clansman believes that he knows whereabouts of the scrolls which tells the mythical skills of warriors changing appearances to win battles. Kagerota is taking 'Father', an overweight, golden-haired and red-nosed cat in his bag. Kagerota believes the cat is the feline form of his long-disappeared and legendary ninja father Kuze Kenzan because of the same red nose as Kenzan's. Meanwhile, the Kiryu Clan, who is anxious to bring the scroll back, dispatches two female ninjas to nab Kagerota: Momiji who tries to get close to the man through her cover as a cleaner at the inn where he is staying; and Tsubame, Kagerota's childhood friend, who has since risen to become one of the clan's best ninjas. Kagerota fights for making 'Father' back to his human appearance and geting away from the thug ninjas..."