3000 Year Old Text, Most Accurate Description Of Earth Ever! How Flat Earth-r-MVb5gz7ck

2017-04-28 25

The most advanced scientific knowledge ever disclosed, was done over 3000 years ago by Enoch, in this, the 'Book of the Heavenly Luminaries', or, in contemporary terms the Book Of The Stars. How could he, (a desert dweller 3000yrs ago), have known this? If God isn't real, how did Enoch come up with this? Why does it so perfectly match up with all the other texts at the time like: the Book of Giants, the Qumran caves texts, the dead sea scrolls, and the Manichaean texts? Skeptics, I guess, will say he dreamed it all up, but then how do they explain away ALL of the prophetic events of this and many other texts that came true? The Book of Revelations? the OT's knowledge of the earth? the coming of Jesus? (it's funny people refute that, as there are many people who reported being there, seeing him crucified, read the "Gospel of Nicodemus" for one example) the perfect descriptions of the divisions of the year? , the peoples of the earth and their genealogies, the perfect matchup with our knowledge of the oldest cultures and languages?... and/or the (still to this day) perfect descriptions of WORLDWIDE natural phenomena and plant species? Lucky guesses!? What would be the odds against GUESSING to such an extent? ....astronomical...lol. This book has, and will continue to, stand the test of time. It's accuracy and elegant simplicity will fly in the face of all scrutiny. All those who doubt the power of the holy bible, and it's perfect truth, will be amazed to utter beguilement.
