Racism has no real meaning anymore

2017-04-27 5

Just a little video going over why trying to label white people as racist for not voting for leftwing policies is a useless tactic in 2017. If you grew up as a white male in the United States since mid 1970's you got taught you were racist from K-12 and into college as well.

The left pushed this idea that you just being born white are a racist, evil, oppressive and just overall terrible person because what your ancestors may or may not have done a century or longer ago. The Left is really big on Ancestral Sin. Anyway if you grow up white you are constantly labeled as being racist.

Not just in school but also in pop culture as well. Tons of movies push the idea that White Americans are evil people that hurt others. That if you vote or act in your own self interest you are racist. White people and especially white men have heard this for decades and quite frankly don't care about being labeled racist anymore.

The reason why white people and in particular white men don't care about being called racist anymore is because all racist means at the end of the day in 2017 is being non leftist. That's all it means. So when someone gets labeled a racist most white people and white men don't think that person is part of the KKK or a Neo Nazi no instead they just think that person is a non leftist until proven otherwise. This identity politic and shaming bullshit from the left has already cost them a lot and is going to continue to hurt them...the real question is will they realize they killed the term racism and readjust or are they going to just keep doubling down.

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