How to grow melons

2017-04-27 35 ... Melons are known by several names including muskmelon, cantaloupe and honeydew melon. If you decide to grow melons you need to know that they are heat-loving which can make them a challenge to grow in cooler regions. Your chance of success can be increased by choosing short-season varieties, starting them inside, warming the soil with black plastic or IRT mulch, and protecting young plants with fabric row covers.

Melons prefer warm, well-drained soil that is high in organic matter and has a pH between 6.5 to 7.5. Consistent, plentiful moisture is required until the fruit is approximately the size of a tennis ball. Avoid soil temperatures below 50F when you grow melons because it will slow growth. Planting in an area with sandy or light-textured soils are best because it will warm quicker in spring.

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