Trump: Maine Governor LePage 'Has Lost A Lot Of Weight'

2017-04-26 28

President Trump commented on Maine Governor Paul LePage's weight loss during a speech on Wednesday.

President Trump commented about the weight of Maine Governor Paul LePage on Wednesday during an executive order signing ceremony involving federally protected land, notes The Hill. 
Trump announced the presence of LaPage then said that he “by the way, has lost a lot of weight.” The president added, “I knew him when he was heavy and now I know him when he’s thin and I like him both ways, okay?” 
After Vice President Pence and others in the crowd chuckled, Trump said about the governor, “Done a great job.” 
According to CNN, LaPage was an early supporter of Trump. 
Politico notes that the governor has reportedly lost more than 50 pounds since having weight loss surgery about seven months ago. 
He told a radio station in January that he underwent the procedure after being warned about the potential for developing diabetes. 
The reaction to Trump’s comments have been mixed, with CNN calling them “a time-tested back-handed compliment.” 
Others have pointed out that the occasion may not have been the most appropriate, with one person tweeting, “‘Trump Compliments Gov Paul LePage for Weight Loss While Trashing Antiquities Act’ feels like a bot-generated headline but is real now.” 
Meanwhile, another person wrote, “Trump on this going to be a Weight Watchers promo? Does anyone think this is odd? Yes, obviously.”