NEW YORK POST – UN Ambassador Nikki Haley isn’t ruling out a US strike against North Korea if it tests a sixth nuclear d

2017-04-26 3

Nikki Haley not only didn’t rule out a strike on N. Korea, but also laid out the reasons why the US would strike

NEW YORK POST – UN Ambassador Nikki Haley isn’t ruling out a US strike against North Korea if it tests a sixth nuclear device – while President Trump says the UN Security Council must be prepared to impose new sanctions on the hermit kingdom.

“We are not going to do anything unless he gives us reason to do something,” Haley said on NBC’s “Today,” referring to saber-rattling despot Kim Jong Un.

“If you see him attack a military base, if you see some sort of intercontinental ballistic missile, then obviously we’re going to do that,” she said. “But right now, we’re saying, ‘Don’t test, don’t use nuclear missiles, don’t try and do any more actions’, and I think he’s understanding that.”

So it sounds like if they test a nuke or an intercontinental missile, then the US will strike.

I do wonder, though, how China would react to an actual military strike on North Korea.