Trump: 'Not Firing' Spicer, He 'Gets Great Ratings'

2017-04-24 2

President Trump indicated last month that White House press secretary Sean Spicer’s great television ratings make him unlikely to be fired.

President Trump indicated back in March that White House press secretary Sean Spicer’s great television ratings make him unlikely to be fired. 
According to the Washington Post, Trump said at a gathering, “I’m not firing Sean Spicer. That guy gets great ratings. Everyone tunes in.”
The president also claimed that Spicer’s viewership was on par with that of daytime soap operas. 
At the time the comments were made, there were rumblings among some that Spicer could be among the first from the Trump administration to be given walking papers. 
Since then, Spicer has raised the ire of many, claiming Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was worse than Hitler, as the Nazi leader refrained from using chemical weapons in World War II, notes the New York Times.
The press secretary also referred to concentration camps as ‘Holocaust centers.’ 
The Washington Examiner notes that if Spicer’s viewers, which averaged 4.3 million in February, continue to grow at this pace, his job will likely remain secure.