15+35 - Obatala + PapafiotMusic - Erkenntnis des Lebens - Knowledge of life (Karim 15) - Obatala ObaTali

2017-04-22 4

This is a production of Obatalá and United (Papafiot).
The instrumental music is legendary by United - aka Papafiot. Also known as PapafiotMusic.
Karim's own vocal composition by Obatalá and other singers, all of the classical music based from United - aka Papafiot. In total there are 22 songs, of which the 15. movie goes online here.
Original title.
15+35 - 03.08.2015 - Obatala + PapafiotMusic - In Manganien E Dia dai (Karim 15)
Screenwriter and film production of Obatala.
This song is in Menschelloride, an extinct language since 1945.
Dear friends.
This is the 15. Karim movie.
In this film several topics are discussed. A living spirit that lives forever must be working. This is the only way to prevent any aggressive actions. In mythology, here is explained why Odin was blind in one eye when he saw life and the future. This mythology can be traced back to the Santeria and Candomblé, but it is an elaborate story about the young Obatalá and Oxalá.
Please use good headphones. Then the sound is best.
Always yours, Obatalá.