DEHH x The Needle Drop SXSW Panel Discussion Update!

2017-04-21 7

Did the Internet Kill the Album Review? | A SXSW Panel Discussion

There's certainly no shortage of album reviews out there on the Internet, but has this surplus of musical opinion led to an increase in effectiveness as well? In a recent interview, Jay Z said it's the immediacy of the Internet that's killing the album review. Music fans can listen to whatever they want at any given moment. If this is the case, why are album reviews still written? Why are they still read?

Come out and see Myke C-Town and Anthony Fantano in a LIVE discussion!

Place: Austin Convention Center | 500 E Cesar Chavez St, Austin, TX 78701
Date: Wednesday, March 12
Time: 5:00PM - 6:00PM

More info regarding the event here:

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