Cancer May 2017 Astrology Predictions: Spiritual Economics At Work - Expect "Miracle Money"

2017-04-24 5

Social networking will lead to better work, bringing in monetary gains. Buying Latest technology gadgets improves your efficiency at work. This situation continues till 20th of September.

Health improves after April 19th and further improves after 6th of this month. If you do at times feel under weather enhance your health by eating correctly and taking enough rest between work. In general, though the health will remain stronger and personality will be more radiant.

Around the 12th the Moon is at its Apogee which means furthest distance away from earth you need to deliberately take breaks and

Career still seems successful though it’s not as active or demanding as in the past few months, Venus a beneficent planet spends the entire month in your 10th house. This shows that people who matter will support all your career related plans.

Your status is enhanced and you may also get many opportunities for career growth and business. Many doors leading to success are opened, how you best utilize them depends upon your energy. It will be a good idea to enhance your career through social networking and gatherings.

Let people know about your work. With Mars impacting your spiritual 12th house all month being involved in charity or charity organization will help you in your career too.

This is a period for relying on your financial intuition and for getting deeper into spiritual economics. This is also the time for “miracle money” normal money will come but the miracle money is more interesting.

The financial planet in Gemini from the 20th onward indicates earnings from your communication skills. It’s time for creative marketing sales, PR and advertising. Important to make use of good media that is available to you.

Love remains status quo. It is not the time to take major love decisions as your love planet Saturn is still retrograde.

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God Bless
Dolly Manghat