Aries May 2017 Astrology Predictions : You Will Look & Feel Confident As You Attract Success To You

2017-04-24 3

Prosperity continues to be strong this month as your financial planet spends most of the month in your first house affecting your morale in a positive way. You will look & feel confident as you attract success coming your way. Sometimes it’s your own feelings that attract the good to your life, by spiritual law we get what we focus on.

Students will be happy with the efforts they have put in and get the like results. Mercury was retrograde most of the April but now from the 3rd of May it starts to move forward again. Your ruling planet Mars Will be in your 3rd house all month, on the 30th the Sun joins and enters your 3rd house of communications and intellectual interests. Your mind will be sharper and clearer hankering for more information and knowledge.

All those connected with education or information like teachers, journalists writers or even marketing will have a month of prosperity as your targets will be met as you stay motivated.

Mars makes a beautiful aspect to Jupiter from the 10th to the 14th, this brings in financial expansion and travel opportunities to far off places. If you are involved in any kind of legal issues this period brings in good news.

Health remains good any niggling doubts get resolved after the 3rd. Over all love remains happy as Jupiter is still in your 7th house of love and your love planet is in your signs so others gravitate to your persona and if single you may attract prospective partners.
Those in existing relationship strengthen their bonds.

Retrograde activity did increase last month and 40% of the planets were in retrograde motion but now after the 3rd they will be 30%. While its best to start new projects when the planetary movement is more forward yet making your moves now is also a good time as slow and steadily the planets are moving forward again.

From the New Moon of the 25th situations are at their best as Venus which is ultra-important for you throws better aspects this month.

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God Bless
Dolly Manghat