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Sarah Palin Criticizes Elizabeth Warren For Co-Opting The Phrase ‘Fight Like A Girl’

2017-04-19 23

Sarah Palin slammed Elizabeth Warren for recently using the phrase "fight like a girl."

Over time, the phrase “fight like a girl” has transformed from a playground insult to feminist rally cry. 
However, it has now entered the political arena, with former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin accusing Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, a Democrat, of co-opting the words she has used frequently in the past.
The controversy appears to have begun after the U.S. senator tweeted a photo of herself standing alongside Wall Street’s new “Fearless Girl” statue with the added comment, “Fight like a girl.”
In an interview with Breitbart, Palin commented on Warren's use of the phrase, “Coming from liberals who urge women to claim victimization, ‘Fight like a girl’ just doesn’t sound the same as when legit fighters for equality say it, mean it, live it, and will never give it up.” 
Breitbart notes, “when Palin used ‘fight like a girl’ in the ‘Tea Party Spring’ of 2011, she did so to call out her own party’s establishment...”
Nevertheless, the phrase has long been used by others to celebrate, rather than insult, women.
Among them is feminist and activist Megan Seely, who, in early 2007, published a book, titled, 'Fight Like a Girl: How to Be a Fearless Feminist.' 

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