Already Unwelcoming, Hungary Now Detains Asylum Seekers

2017-04-19 1

Already Unwelcoming, Hungary Now Detains Asylum Seekers
Hungary, which already had one of the toughest immigration policies in the European Union, last month rolled out a draconian new asylum procedure
that will reduce applicants to a trickle — 10 people a day — and essentially put them in prison camps for months while their cases are decided.
But if Hungary’s authoritarian prime minister, Viktor Orban, provoked a loud outcry from his European peers by slapping up a razor-wire border fence two
years ago as hundreds of thousands of migrants flooded into Europe, this time the condemnation, at least from his political peers, is more muted.
The number allowed in will now be limited to five people a day at each of the two camps,
and only on weekdays — a total of 50 people per week — with families given priority.
Today, about 150 people live in a camp outside Subotica, one of 17 such camps in Serbia
where refugees must come to get their names put on a list to be allowed into Hungary.
Mohammed Wafa Sekendari said that I do not try to cross illegally,
As for the several hundred asylum seekers already living in Hungary, government officials say they will be taken to the new border camps as well.