War Thunder Rangefinder – How to use in War Thunder
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Hello and thank you for viewing this short summary for the combat MMO, War Thunder cross browser game. In this brief video the War Thunder Rangefinder is briefly explained and how to use it. You can play War Thunder now for FREE.
When you play Realistic or Simulator battle in Ground Forces, you know there is no aiming assistance. You elevate the gun and estimate to hit an enemy at some distance. In sniper mode there are two scales, the vertical scale indicates shell drop over distance, and tells you how much you need to elevate the gun to hit a tank at known distance. You need to know that one unit on this scale corresponds with 200m distance. Note that the longer guns do have less of a shell drop over distance. This means they are more accurate and allow bigger margin of error at vertical aiming, than shorter barrels.
The horizontal scale is what you use to adjust for the drop of your shell. If you know the size of your target and the distance to the target then you adjust the sights for the shell drop to target. This involves simple math of distance equals, size of target, divided by amount of mils the target size is in the targeting optics.
Thank you for watching this brief insight into the War Thunder Rangefinder. The game will keep you entertained for as long as you like to play and best of all it is FREE to play now.
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