~Heroes Reborn: Enigma (2015)
►Game Info
HEROES REBORN: ENIGMA is a first person action-puzzle mobile/tablet game that lets you BE THE HERO.
Since we last saw HEROES, the world has become a dangerous place for EVOs - evolved humans gifted with supernatural powers. In HEROES REBORN: ENIGMA you become Dahlia, a young woman with incredible powers, that you must learn to control to survive and escape your imprisonment at a secret government facility.
From the mind of Tim Kring, the creator of The Heroes Universe, HEROES REBORN: ENIGMA boasts over 30 levels and lets you master special abilities such as Telekinesis and Time Shifting, challenging you to unravel the mysteries of The Quarry.
►Heroes Reborn: Enigma
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►Intro & Outro Music
Ash O'Connor & Curbi - Steeper [NCS Release]