The Secret Formula-How To Manifest ANYTHING Instantly 2017 Success Story-Wealth-Money-Desire-Job etc

2017-04-18 32

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There’s actually a way to literally hypnotize your brain to ONLY focus on what you really want. While also ERASING years of negative, limiting thinking almost instantly.
I didn’t truly believe. Because I had been so so long.
Until this sound changed my life, forever. So please, read this page: ► ◄ all the way through. I’m going to reveal the one thing I discovered. The one thing that transformed me From feral, homeless, hippie kid struggling to overcome my “brain cancer death sentence” struggling to eat, because we couldn’t even afford the dollar menu at Burger King struggling to feel safe in such an unsafe-feeling world Into self-made financially-abundant entrepreneur.

Now, if you’re thinking “Okay Eddie, so how does a now 37-year-old man, who has ZERO conventional education, work for himself, and live financially independently?” Well, I’ll tell you my quick, full story in a minute and:
How I used a simple pair of headphones to overcome my “poor” programming or mindset and achieved an incredible amount of wealth and abundance in my life.

But first, it’s important to understand HOW I even discovered this, and why “learning” from books, tutors, masters and teachers never worked for me. In fact, “learning” became my enemy.

And I’ve since discovered that “learning” is the worst thing you can ever do, if you want to deliberately and effortlessly change your life. Because it isn’t your “smarts” that creates or manifests anything in your life.
In fact, your intelligence, or what “you think you know”, gets in the way of letting in, what you’re asking The Universe for.
Here’s what I mean:

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