This Happens Every Day- "Pretty" Short Film http://BestDramaTv.Net

2017-04-12 5

A two minute glimpse of something that happens literally every day. I hope this inspires open dialogue about the culturally accepted ways women are treated and the real consequences of those actions. Please share this video to spread the conversation. It's time for women and men to stand up against the gender-based violence.

Here's a great source for activism and information on street harassment:

Hi All! It seems many of you viewers are concerned that men are no longer allowed to give women compliments. Fear not! You totally can! Just not when it makes her feel powerless or like a sexual object.


Want to know more about my film? Here's a short interview:

1. Did you make this film for a class, or on your own? If in a class, were there specific constraints you had to work under?
- I'm a film major at Santa Fe University of Art and Design, and I made this film as a final project for my freshman Production class. The project only had two constraints: It had to be a narrative piece, and it had to be between 3-10 minutes long. Obviously I failed half of those constraints, but my professor was cool with it.

2. How do you hope that your film contributes to dialogue about street harassment? How do you feel about the responses you've gotten?
- I created it with the hope of inspiring an open dialogue about the culturally accepted ways women are treated and the real consequences of those actions. I also made it with the hope of giving voice to women who are too uncomfortable or scared to speak up in this extremely common situation. I hoped it would validate the experience of those who have been harassed, and bring up the topic of conversation to people who aren't aware of it or take part in the harassing. Another point I hoped to address was the topic of slut shaming. I asked the actress to wear a tight tank top and shorts because I hoped someone watching it would be like, "Hey wasn't she asking for it?" so someone else could respond that body language and verbal response did not consent to his behavior and that'll all that matters. Then if all goes according to my grand plan everyone that witnesses that conversation would then think about it and develop their own opinions.
Many of the comments were highly negative: body shaming, slut shaming, and suggesting that she should be raped for being a "bitch" or "cunt". Comments like that affirmed that I had been successful in hitting a tender spot and addressing the thing that leads to rape culture. Lewis Law, right?
On the other hand there have been many people speaking up in the comments sharing that they have had experienced very similar situations. I also received countless thanks from women and men who told me they were incredibly grateful that I had brought attention to the topic, which warmed the core of my feminist soul and made me want to keep making films.
So overal A+ to everyone that joined in on the conversation. Even the folks I had to block for being unbearably offensive and verbally aggressive. I feel like their comments brought more meaning to the video itself. http://BestDramaTv.Net